Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Living on junk food

So... A week into the epic floor re-carpeting, and we've finally got carpet completely down in one side of the basement! It's been a huge pain, and I don't think I've had an actual healthy meal since I cooked a few days ago, but still, it's half-done already!

In other news, now that there's less work that I can do, and more work for people that are paid to do this work, I've gone back to Taekwondo! It's weird, but even a week away, and I was a pretty sorry sight today... Felt a bit sick a few times, but it was an easy class, and TKD is always fun.

Oh well, I feel great now, even if we did have to make a stop to Mickey D's after because there's nothing to eat at home that's any better...

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